Block information

Block hash 393ac98a741e116eca146bce6f78505e8a4edb561d95042ed5a26362aa526b0c

Size 5936

Date and Time 28-12-2023 00:31:12

Confirmations 228292

Reward 800.19451924 ZHC

From Coinbase
To (empty)

2,438,402.06125502 ZHC
2,438,398.83144859 ZHC

2,438,398.83144859 ZHC
2,438,076.24680345 ZHC

2,438,076.24680345 ZHC
2,437,753.66215831 ZHC

201,131.19599220 ZHC

201,127.96618577 ZHC
200,805.38154063 ZHC

200,805.38154063 ZHC
200,482.79689549 ZHC

18,884,752.56154587 ZHC
18,884,749.33173944 ZHC

18,884,749.33173944 ZHC
18,884,746.10193301 ZHC

18,884,746.10193301 ZHC
18,884,423.51728787 ZHC

456,164.07677430 ZHC

200,482.79689549 ZHC

456,160.84696787 ZHC
455,838.26232273 ZHC

455,838.26232273 ZHC
455,515.67767759 ZHC